Health and safety coordination

Health and safety coordination: constant health and safety monitoring

A building site is a harsh environment where workers are faced with many dangers. IGRETEC has always been uncompromising in monitoring site safety regulations.

So the teams adapted quickly and easily to the 2001 legislation on the coordination of temporary or mobile building sites.

Any general contractor who has a structure built, modified, extended or renovated has a legal responsibility to incorporate preventive measures following the advice of a Health and Safety Coordinator on temporary or mobile sites.

This Coordinator, who has a broad and long-term view and bases his work on a precise risk analysis, suggests measures to ensure safety in the building throughout its life, from the design stage to dismantling. 

Health and safety coordination

Global and in-depth deliberations

The IGRETEC health and safety coordinators include in their deliberations:

  • the safety of everyone (surrounding area, builders, users, servicing or maintenance staff, external players, emergency services, etc.);
  • access and traffic (optimal use of existing structures, definition of access routes, various connections, etc.);
  • the suitable location of functions (workshops, offices, storage areas, etc.);
  • safety at the workplace (collective or individual protective gear, joint activities or successive activities, etc.);
  • the use of equipment and materials (suitability of equipment, conformity with the regulations, safety sheet, replacement of dangerous equipment and products, etc.);
  • waste management (asbestos, site waste, etc.).

They rely on a series of regulatory tools (Health and Safety Plan, Coordination Log and Subsequent Interventions Dossier) or ‘in-house’ instruments to orchestrate the actions of businesses. This limits the risks of disruption and shutdowns on the building site owing to industrial accidents.

As well as their qualifying basic training, they have level A legal training so that they can operate on the biggest building sites. Above all, however, they optimise their know-how by constantly monitoring new prevention techniques.

Putting your trust in IGRETEC for your building sites gives you an assurance that nothing is left to chance in terms of health and safety, at any time. It keeps your risks under control.


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